
Build from source

This guide outlines the process of building the software from its source code using the CMake build system.

  1. Prior to initiating the build, ensure that you have the necessary dependencies installed, including cmake, a C compiler (such as gcc or clang), libcriterion-dev, and ragel.

  2. Navigate to your desired working directory and clone the source code repository:

cd <working directory>
git clone
  1. Create a dedicated build directory:

cd libresolvconf
mkdir build
  1. Proceed to build the software from source:

cd build
cmake ..
make -j`nproc`

Testing (Optional)

If you wish to run tests, use the test target from the build directory:

make test

Documentation (Optional)

To generate documentation, you can utilize the doc target from the build directory. However, be sure to install the required Python packages as specified in docs/requirements.txt beforehand. You can install them using pip, either within a virtual environment (venv) or directly into your system.

To install the necessary dependencies in a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv .env
. .env/bin/activate
pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

Alternatively, if you prefer a system-wide installation:

pip install --user -r docs/requirements.txt

After satisfying the dependencies, proceed to build the documentation:

make doc

Installation (Optional)

If you choose to, you can use the following command to perform an installation, which will include both the library and its associated binaries:

sudo make install